Monday 6 February 2012

Blinging in Beads

Everyday you turn the pages of your morning dailies, a subtle cardiac arrest knocks you. The realisation is always not felt though but the price of gold is no more a information for the female section of the society. the gold prices now decides the market for every other commodity other than aiming at building a perspective market for its own buyers. The extraordinarily high price of gold has opened the markets for the semi-precious stones and experimental accessories made up of various materials like glass, beads, corals and other oxidised metals.
        Gold is a passe, it's all about being fashionable and experimental now. Now, the dandy youth spectrum believes in setting up of trends by glamourising in what they call "junk jewellery". However, junkie the components of these accessories can be, it has created a distinct identity for itself. Today, a teen takes the same pride in flaunting her junkie collection as her mother and grandmother used to take in flaunting their heavy and expensive gold ornaments. A heavy neckpiece of gold no longer defines your status and style-sense in a cluster of elites now-a-days. The right outfit teamed up with the right and sleek accessory made up of any of the above-mentioned material can make you steal the show.
         With the limited pocket-money and monetary access, the young generation has found out the way of stylizing and keeping up with the ever-changing trends with the advent of this concept of "junk jewellery".The tribal-culture of India is now celebrated by this section of junkie-lovers due to the abstract and unique designs of their accessories and the wide variety of materials they have to offer.Now, the riches choose to dress in rags and the line between the "Rags and the Riches" is no more drawn out of  distinction but out of choice